Hola, Dumelang, Sawubona, hello!

Yep, so here I am at yet another blog site! ๐Ÿ˜›
Just wanna say hi! Those of you that know me from My Opera, well you already know me. To everyone else, hi! ๐Ÿ˜€
I don’t blog much, but I read and comment a lot on other blogs. The comments are always the bigger part of a blog anyway! 

24 Replies to “Hola, Dumelang, Sawubona, hello!”

  1. Looks like the gang is getting back together.

    I don’t like that we don’t have a way to name our sites though so I am waiting for that to be ironed out.

  2. Hola a todos!!! Excelente post, Qlue ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Woow, la gente de Opera se mudรณ. Me alegra encontrarlos por aquรญ.

    Gracias por invitarme a esta [quote]new MadHouse[/quote], tdjmd ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Hmmm. I’ll need to see how to get notified of new comments on my own posts. ๐Ÿ˜›
    Hello everyone! *waves*
    Vivaldi seems to be proving popular so far! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
    All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
    Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zQQ66NfvZrQ/UnwUhmOVu4I/AAAAAAAAARU/MsRmekXZMhE/s1600/Yikes.gif[/img]

    Well, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men might not have been able to put Humpty Dumpty together again … but, Jon von Tetzchner and the rest of the Vivaldi team sure do seem headed in the right direction towards putting back together the MyOpera experience under one roof instead of having it be all over the Net.

  5. Another analogy that I am reminded of is the Intro to the old TV series:
    The Six Million Dollar Man

    Steve Austin … a man barely alive.
    We can rebuild him.
    We have the technology.
    We can make him better … FASTER … STRONGER! [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mgVHX8PvCB8/UnwJIQRLdTI/AAAAAAAAAM0/uzsRPrheWAA/s1600/Norris.gif[/img] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Lm_ryCecwV4/UnupSl6gLKI/AAAAAAAAAEw/Xwjpo3nxAPE/s1600/Mischief+&+Muscles.gif[/img]

  6. I’m finding some issues using Opera browser here though.
    I think it’s almost time to ditch the old browser and switch to the ice-rat!

  7. Originally posted by Aadil:[quote][i]it’s almost time to ditch the old browser and switch to the ice-rat![/i][/quote]I’ve not heard about if before.. Tell me about that browser, please. I’m curious.

    I’m getting an uncomfortable glitch from Firefox Mozilla in my phone.

  8. With me I don’t have ANY choice.
    With me it is OPERA Browser or Bust.

    On my system, Chrome doesn’t even work PERIOD!
    Well … I think it actually gets as far as supplying the Google Hits of whatever it is that I’m searching for. But, once I click on one of those Hits to actually bring it up, something blocks any further progress. Something about proxies or DNS errors or something. But, whatever the case, I can’t bring up ANY sites with Chrome.

    Sometimes I have the same problem with Firefox. And when I CAN get Firefox to bring up sites, it takes eternities.

  9. And the new Chrome / Webkit-based Opera versions … well, those work with some things and not with others. Like Opera 18 can bring up my Blogger Blog, but it doesn’t cooperate in the Dashboard area.

  10. Sunny, I am also experiencing a small glitch when I bring up the Dashboard in BlogSpot. Each time I get a box which reads:

    Message from webpage

    ERROR: Possible problem with your *.gwt.xml module file.
    This compile time user.agent value (gecko1_8) does not match
    the runtime user.agent value (ie.10). Expect more errors.

    Once I click the OK button, it takes me to my Dashboard. I am having this box display because I am running IE 11. My systems are set up to automatically update themselves. I don’t want to revert to IE 10 for this one website because I will have problems on other websites I visit which require the latest version of windows.

  11. Sounds like the Internet wouldn’t be the Internet if it made it easy for us.

    I wonder …
    Since right now (and hopefully not permanently) the Vivaldi LOOK is simple, is it safe to assume there are no major problems with the MOBILE version of Vivaldi?

  12. Other than the site not allowing me to register mobiley, no major problems Carlos. From what I see anyway. I’ve got a new droid phone so I’m getting used to that and this place – in fact the whole web all over again. ๐Ÿ˜†

  13. ๐Ÿ˜€ Well, I touch the smiley I want the screen reloads blank. So… what’s up with that? *shrug* If I check subscribe, will I be inundated with spork mail notifications?

    Oh, hi Aadil! ๐Ÿ˜€

  14. By “Ice-rat” I mean Iceweasel, which is the Debian version of Firefox! :p
    Opera doesn’t seem to work completely here whereas I’ve had no issues with Iceweasel. But old habits die hard and Opera is still set as my system’s default!

  15. Chrome is designed for the Cloud and won’t work with slow connections. However, the new Opera is merely Chrome with an Opera skin. (hence why all the Opera-specific features are absent)

  16. lol
    Hi Dennis!
    I tried using a friends Android phone the other day and just couldn’t get used to that touch screen keyboard! My thumb covers sixteen keys at a time so I never know which key I’m touching until it shows up in the text area! :faint:
    Give me the old T9 on a twelve key pad any day! smh!

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