
I’m contemplating writing a New Years Eve post! 
I wonder though, should I do a post on every blog site I’ve joined or should I just select one?


12 Replies to “So…”

  1. I was wondering about the same thing Aadil. I will have to decide on [b]ONE[/b] blog after the holidays are over because I won’t have time to check ALL I have joined on a daily basis.

    The holidays will be over for me on January 2nd, so I’ll have to make a definite decision by then.

    I am hoping Vivaldi will MyOpertize this site soon and there will be no questions as to where my permanent blogging home will be.

  2. It is worth to stay here a while and see what happens. They worked hard for having this oasis ready ( I’m a My Opera refugee like you ) 🙂 .

  3. To post or not to post on all the Blogs in our Buffet of Blogs that we have all accumulated now in our evaluation process for a new Blogging Home … THAT is the question, the $64,000 question. I feel your pain due to that conundrum quagmire labyrinth quicksand of a MESS. [img][/img]

    The advice that I CAN give you would be to for sure NOT post it on MyOpera. It is by now a lame duck. It would be a waste of time for you to post it there. I think by now most members have left the building.

    I certainly won’t be putting up ANY new posts at MyOpera. Stick a fork in it. It is D-O-N-E DUN! I’ll still reply to people’s comments there at my main Blog or SuntanaLab. Otherwise I don’t go out of my way to proactively initiate any activity over there.

  4. As to whether you should also post it at WordPress? Only you can determine what your gut feeling says as to whether your ship has finally come in … and its name is Vivaldi.

  5. The truth is, it really doesn’t matter. Pick ONE and go with that. Inform your readership that this site (whichever it happens to be) is where you will establish yourself and then build upon that. Bouncing all over creation on several blogging sites is rather foolish.

  6. You could use your blogs for different subjects. Say, Vivaldi for social, WordPress for spiders 😉 blogger or whatever for sports, and so on, etc…

    For me, I’m staying with WordPress. WP offer better platform for blogging than Vivaldi or My Opera ever was. I’m using the Vivaldi feed app to link my WP blog feed.

  7. So … speaking of “So …” So since you’re one of the elite facebook connoisseurs, wizards, gurus, addicts, Aadil, I have a question for you. Maybe you might know the fix.

    My brother-in-law is now periodically encountering a message in the facebook [b]games[/b] area that he claims it started popping up only after the AT & T Repair guy went and fixed their Internet. I did get to see the message a week or so ago.

    The message is something along the lines of:
    [b]This site is transmitting information over a non secure[/b] … Blah Blah Blah
    I forget the wording.
    It then only gives the options to [b]Submit[/b] … or to [b]Cancel[/b].

    We’ve all seen these types of Popups, but they usually have an option there where one can opt out of receiving that Popup again. This particular Popup though, does not offer any such option to opt out.

    He’s already tried both options, but the Popup keeps coming up.
    Any ideas on some facebook setting that can be changed to stop that Popup from showing up?
    Like I said, my brother-in-law says it only pops up when he is in the facebook GAMES area.
    Since I know less than squat about facebook, I can’t offer him any advice.
    Well, other than probably — Well STOP playing facebook games. Then you won’t see the Popup.

  8. “Stop playing Facebook games” is probably the best advice anyone could give him!! lol
    He must check to see if the connection is secure. On Opera, it’s that little planet icon next to the web address and in Firefox it’s a similar green splotch in the same area.

  9. The thing is, Aadil, he CLAIMS it only started happening AFTER the AT & T Repair guy did whatever he did to repair their Internet.

    I can’t vouch for the veracity of that. I don’t know how long he’s been playing that game with which his daughter demonstrated the Popup. Aside of knowing nothing about facebook, I know nothing about that facebook game on which I saw the popup. Therefore, I have no idea whether it’s normal for it to appear on that particular game. Maybe he hadn’t been playing that particular game for a long time and possibly doesn’t know it’s normal for that popup to appear during that game or other facebook games.

    Cuz I was aware he played some other NON-facebook games. This is the first time I hear of him playing facebook games.

    I’ll ask on the avast General Topics Forums. If no one knows how to get rid of that Popup, I guess my brother-in-law will just have to call AT & T Repair Customer Service if it bugs him enough.

  10. The pop-up is probably been triggered by a failure to authenticate. Now this could just be a typical handshaking issue caused by a noisy line, or it could be caused by an iFrame that unencrypted being present on an encrypted page. In the latter case, it’s a server side issue and AT&T can not help in any way.
    Chances are, the cable guy had nothing to do with it and the timing is just a coincidence.
    I should point out that Facebook games and apps are riddled with trojan worms and spyware. So it’s possible he picked up a hitch-hiker at some point!

  11. In contrast to my computer, which never gets infected … that computer that my brother-in-law, niece and that Chick who broke my Dell Computer … that computer DOES get infected on a regular basis.

    Every time I use that computer to download Apps Updates … before inserting my Flash Drive, I run scans with SUPERAntiSpyware, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and avast Anti-Virus. Sometimes they find a serious mountain of malware.

    Just the other day, SUPERAntiSpyware prompted me before even starting, if I wanted it to check for possibly unwanted programs. It found about 7 nefarious Browser Extensions that it said on there that those hijack your Browser and Blah Blah Blah. I had them removed.

    You might be onto something and the thought did cross my mind that there could possibly be a malware intruder causing that. Well, I can only check and clean the computer until those 3 Apps give it a clean bill of health. Of course, there can be stuff that they didn’t find.

    I can tell my brother-in-law what you said about facebook games being a nexus for malware, but I don’t think it’ll do any good. I’ve already given him advice before on Do’s & Don’ts regarding the computer and being on the Net. Never does a bit of good.

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