Our Dear Friend H82typ has passed on.

Okay so it’s been years since I last logged in here and today I log in to give you all some sad news.
Do you remember Dennis Reilly, aka H82typ?
Well he ans his brother Joseph Reilly were involved in a motor vehicle accident on the Eleventh of February 2015. Joseph Reilly escaped serious injury but unfortunately, Dennis Reilly was pronounced dead on arrival at Stony Brook Memorial.

Those of us who are active on Facebook already know about this, but I believe there may be some people here who don’t use Facebook but may have known H82typ.

R.I.P. My friend!!


I’m contemplating writing a New Years Eve post! 
I wonder though, should I do a post on every blog site I’ve joined or should I just select one?


Hola, Dumelang, Sawubona, hello!

Yep, so here I am at yet another blog site! 😛
Just wanna say hi! Those of you that know me from My Opera, well you already know me. To everyone else, hi! 😀
I don’t blog much, but I read and comment a lot on other blogs. The comments are always the bigger part of a blog anyway!